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August 7, 2024

Statement 7th August 2024

A statement from TTPNetwork

In recent days racist extremists have rioted across the country. People who contribute so much to our daily lives have been made to feel they don’t belong.  These are not protests or free speech, it is intended as fear inducing violent thuggery and nothing less.

This is a worrying time for us all, individuals, workers and volunteers in the charitable sector that is focussed on building communities and providing support to others at a time of need. We recognise it is a particularly distressing time for our colleagues, members, service users and friends from the global majority who have been made to feel unsafe in their own communities.

We offer our continued support and friendship. Our country and in particular our TTP community owe a huge debt of gratitude to people including healthcare professionals who have chosen to live and work in the UK, both recently and past generations.

We stand alongside you and we are here for you.

Despite the violence we have also seen the very best of society coming together, volunteering time and resources to lend support. Showing what is great about our country and our diverse communities.

By leading with empathy and compassion we will unite against ignorance and hate.



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